In this video from the HPE Conference, Bastian Koller from HLRS discusses Competence Centres in HPC and their role in European innovation.
The Centres of Excellence (CoE) develop leading edge technologies to promote the adoption of advanced HPC in industry and public administration, and increase competitiveness for European companies and SMEs through access to CoE expertise and services.
The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) organized the HPI Conference Online aimed at promoting the adoption of High Performance Computing among the academic, business, and public administration sectors.
Dr.-Ing Bastian Koller joined the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) in 2004 after his diploma degree in computer science and received his PhD in 2011. Starting as a research assistant in the area of Grid Computing, Cloud Computing and High Performance Computing, he led from 2007 to 2013 an own research group on “Service Management and Business Processes”. Dr. Koller was Technical Manager of one of the first Cloud related IST FP6 projects: BREIN. Since 2013 he is responsible for the research strategy of HLRS and is since 2014 acting as Managing Director of the centre. Since he started at HLRS, he was and still is involved in many research activities, national and international, in HPC and synergetic topics such as Cloud or Data Analytics. He worked in projects such as HPC Europa, DEISA, DORII, IRMOS, CRESTA, BREIN, BeinGRID, BonFIRE, Fortissimo and is coordinator of the EXCELLERAT Centre of Excellence on HPC engineering applications.