The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has selected Berkeley Lab’s Katie Antypas as its new Director for the project’s Hardware & Integration Focus Area, effective May 11, 2020. Katie will be replacing Terri Quinn, who is returning to her full-time responsibilities as Deputy Associate Director for LLNL’s high-performance computing organization.
I’m sure that Katie will be a great addition to the ECP management team,” said Jonathan Carter, Associate Lab Director for Computing Sciences at Berkeley Lab, “Her extensive experience in working with and deploying HPC systems will be an invaluable resource to the entire project.”
Katie is currently the Division Deputy and Data Department Head at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at Berkeley Lab where her responsibilities include oversight of the Data Science Engagement, Data and Analytics Services, Storage Systems, and Infrastructure Services groups.
With deep roots in HPC, Katie was the Project Director of the NERSC-8 Cori supercomputer deployed in 2016 and served as the Project Director for the NERSC-9 Perlmutter system from 2017–2019.
Katie has more than 14 years of experience at Berkeley Lab and is a widely recognized speaker and presenter throughout the HPC community.
Her interests include application readiness for advanced architecture systems, I/O performance, data movement and management and supporting experimental science on HPC systems. She also serves a co-investigator on the Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program titled “Science Search: Automated MetaData Using Machine Learning.” She has authored and coauthored numerous journal and conference papers.
Before coming to NERSC, Katie worked at the NNSA-ASC Flash Center at the University of Chicago, on the FLASH code, a highly scalable, parallel, adaptive mesh refinement astrophysics application. Katie holds an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Chicago and a B.A. in Physics from Wellesley College.
Katie’s experience and leadership style make her an ideal candidate to assume the responsibilities of leading the hardware and integration function of the ECP,” said Doug Kothe, ECP Director. “Katie’s name is well known throughout the HPC community, and we are thrilled to have her take on such a critical function of leading this group and ensuring the project’s success in interfacing with the DOE HPC facilities.”
Kothe added, “We cannot thank Terri Quinn enough for her leadership, commitment, and passion in setting the vision for the Hardware and Integration focus area within the ECP, which began as the Hardware Technology focus area back in 2015, when ECP first started. Together with HI Deputy Director Susan Coghlan, the Project Director for the Aurora HPC system at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, Terri has worked tirelessly to implement her vision to ensure that ECP, through the HI focus area, is deploying and integrating its applications and software technologies in a fashion that is synergistic and complementary to DOE HPC facility operations and procurements. She will now pass the torch on this vibrant and critical element of ECP to Katie.”