NNSA to Hold Nuclear Security Enterprise Virtual Job Fair August 26

The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) will host a Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE) virtual job fair Wednesday, Aug. 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (EDT) to help fill more than 600 open positions.

The virtual job fair will include hiring officials from NNSA and its National Laboratories, plants, and sites including:

  • Kansas City National Security Campus
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Nevada National Security Site
  • Pantex Plant
  • Sandia National Laboratories
  • Savannah River Site
  • Y-12 National Security Complex

Continuing the effective partnership demonstrated in combined NSE job fairs last year, both the NNSA federal managers and the NNSA Management and Operating (M&O) contracting partners will be hiring professionals across a broad range of skills and in many locations to support America’s national security missions.

Individuals are encouraged to register for the event as soon as possible at this link.

“We are looking for the best and brightest to help us accomplish our important national security missions,” said Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, NNSA Administrator and DOE’s Under Secretary for Nuclear Security. “One of my top priorities is recruiting the next generation of nuclear security professionals across our complex. The virtual job fair is a great opportunity for the enterprise to fill vital positions on our elite team to help keep our Nation and the world safe.”

The NSE is hiring for positions in all areas including federal positions in:

  • General engineering
  • Management and budget
  • Physical sciences

There are also open contractor positions in:

  • Business
  • Computer science
  • Cybersecurity
  • Engineering
  • Fire protection engineering
  • Manufacturing
  • Mathematics
  • Nuclear facility and operations
  • Science
  • and many more

NNSA and its contractors are hiring in:

  • Aiken, South Carolina
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Amarillo, Texas
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Livermore, California
  • Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • Washington, D.C.

During the online event, candidates will be able to have one-on-one message chats with federal and contractor hiring managers and human resources professionals regarding available opportunities. Also, during the virtual job fair, candidates will have the opportunity to browse videos about the NSE’s different sites. From the virtual lobby, attendees can visit hiring booths, view information for each NSE location, and if interested, apply directly for jobs of interest from the virtual fair. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, although candidates will have the opportunity to register and submit resumes the day of the event.

Depending on the number of people who register and submit resumes, follow-up interviews may continue to take place for several days after the event.