PRACE Opens Nominations for Ada Lovelace Award for HPC – Deadline: Nov. 26

From 22 to 26 March 2021, PRACE will organise the eighth edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference – PRACEdays21 – as part of the EuroHPC Summit Week in Porto, Portugal.

PRACE initiated the “PRACE Ada Lovelace Award for HPC” four years ago at PRACEdays16, and winners include Dr Zoe Cournia (Greece), Dr Frauke Gräter (Germany), Prof Dr Xiaoxiang Zhu (Germany), Dr Debora Sijacki (UK) and Dr Alice-Agnes Gabriel (Germany) ( ).

PRACE is happy to receive your nomination for the award. The nomination process is open via a call for nominations on the PRACE website and various social media channels. Nominations should be sent to by Thursday, 26 November 2020 at 12:00 CET.

The winner of the Award will be invited to hold a talk (30 minutes) at the plenary session (on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) and to participate in the concluding Panel Session at PRACEdays21, and will receive a cash prize of € 1 000 as well as a certificate and an engraved crystal trophy.

The nomination package should contain the nomination letter plus one reference letter, in addition to the requested CV. In more detail, each nomination involves several components:

  • Name, address, phone number, and email address of nominator (person making the nomination). The nomination should be submitted by a recognised member of a scientific/industrial community with a clear connection to HPC
  • Name, address, and email address of the candidate (person being nominated)
  • The nomination statement addressing why the candidate should receive this award and include a description of the three selection criteria in detail within half page each (max 300 words each)

Copy of the candidate’s CV, certificates, listing publications (with an indication of the h-index), honours, etc. should be provided.

Selection Criteria

  1. Impact in computational science at a global level. (high)
  2. Impact in High-Performance computing at a global level (high)
  3. A role model for women beginning careers in HPC. (medium)

Eligibility Criterion

  1. The winner of this award must be a young female scientist working in academia or industry (PhD +10 years max, excluding parental leave)[1] who is currently working in Europe or has been working in Europe during the past three years.

The Selection Committee is composed of:

  1. Nathalie Reuter (SSC member, University of Bergen, Norway)
  2. Matej Praprotnik (Chair of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee)
  3. Lee Margetts (Chair of the Industrial Advisory Committee)
  4. Troels Haugbølle (Chair of the PRACE User Forum)
  5. Suzanne Talon (Women in HPC member, CEO of Calcul Québec, Canada)

The committee will (partially) change every 2 years.

[1] ERC rules will apply: the 10 years start on the PhD title date and end with the date when the award is given; a flat rate of 18 months is added due to parental leave.