HPC-AI Advisory Council Announces Student Teams Competing in the 11th Annual ISC-HPCAIAC Student Cluster Competition

Sunnywale, CA — The HPC-AI Advisory Council (HPCAIAC), in collaboration with the ISC Group, organizers of Europe’s premier HPC forum, today announced the annual team selections for the 2021 ISC-HPCAIAC Student Cluster Competition (SCC). Challenging international students in a real-time contest, the competition is a key component of HPCAIAC’s mission to extend knowledge and education in high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI).

The 2021 contest roster will include the following teams:

  • Universität Heidelberg, Germany
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
  • Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC), South Africa
  • Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
  • ShanghaiTech University, China
  • University of Science and Technology (USTC), China
  • Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China

In addition, five teams will automatically advance to the ISC2021-SCC competition following their winning performance at several international competitions throughout the year. Completing the 12-team 2021 roster will be:

  • November’s virtual SC20 Student Cluster Competition winner from mainland China’s Tsinghua University
  • First place 2020 APAC HPC-AI competition winners from Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
  • The Computing Insight UK (CIUK) 2020 Cluster Challenge winning team
  • Two winners from the ASC20-21, to be announced in May 2021

The annual Europe-based competition has been ongoing for over a decade, helping hundreds of international students develop mastery in the complex disciplines of HPC and AI. To take home top honors in 2021, the winning team must achieve the highest performance across a series of standard benchmarks and applications that include HPCC, HPCG, LINPACK, GPAW, MHM2, WRF, and LAAMPS.

“The SCC is an incredibly powerful platform for encouraging students, which is more critical now than ever,” said Martin Meuer, co-chairman of the ISC High Performance conference and exhibition. “It’s an important means for helping expose students to the fascinating fields of HPC and AI, offering opportunities and expertise that are integral to inspiring their academic interests and professional pursuits. We are pleased to welcome and extend our best wishes to all of the 2021 challengers and thank all of the student teams for their submissions and support.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated to us all how critical supercomputing technologies are for protecting and improving our lives on this planet. Supercomputing systems around the world provide researchers with critical tools to find cures in record time,” said Gilad Shainer, chairman of the HPC-AI Advisory Council. “The experience students gain by engaging with experts, immersing in months of mentoring, and through hands-on access to solve real-world scientific challenges, not only helps augment their studies, but also helps instill disciplines and expertise that could just as easily result in a team leading a critical breakthrough as submitting a winning performance. We look forward to a successful and challenging competition and wish the students all the best of luck.”

For more information please visit the HPCAIAC’s 2021 Student Cluster Competition

source: ISC Group