Women in Quantum III – Global Virtual Summit, Dec. 14-16

NEW YORK, Dec. 1, 2020 — OneQuantum LLC today announced the third “Women in Quantum” Virtual Summit from December 14-16 free to all who RSVP at: https://www.runtheworld.today/app/invitation/9041

Women in Quantum serves to spotlight female researchers, academics, entrepreneurs and investors in quantum technology to a global audience, as well as to offer them a safe, dedicated community to collaborate and succeed.

This free digital event features over a dozen high profile female speakers, including founders of prominent quantum technology companies, government representatives, investors and leading academics working in various fields of quantum information science.

One speaker is a remarkable 15-year-old high school student named Anisha Musti based in New York City who is the CEO and founder of Q-munity, dedicated to building communities of young people around the world to learn more about quantum computing and one day tackle some of the world’s greatest problems with the technology.

The online Women in Quantum III event will include a virtual networking lobby, keynotes, talks, panels and end each day with a virtual cocktail hour for one-on-one relationship building. The event’s keynote speakers include:

  • Sarah Kreikmeier, Mechanical Engineer IonQ | Keynote | Leading Quantum Computing builder
  • Carolyn Goerner, CEO Practical Paradigms | Keynote | Leading expert on Imposter Syndrome
  • Carolyn Chin-Parry, IT Woman of the Year (Asia) | PwC Digital Innovation Leader | Board Director | Keynote

Honeywell Inc, the multinational conglomerate and leading developer of quantum computing hardware, is the founding sponsor of the event.  IonQ, also a major developer of quantum computing hardware, is the main event sponsor with Women in Technology International (WITI) as co-sponsor.

“We believe the incredible response to our Women in Quantum events means women are embracing the opportunities that can be found in this nascent technology industry,” said Denise Ruffner, Senior Advisor at OneQuantum. “We are proud to support women in quantum to offer them a community to share ideas and empower their success in the field.”

OneQuantum is dedicated to serving as a global resource for startups in the quantum technology field and to promote the growth of the industry in general.  It organizes Women in Quantum (WIQ) events to serve its largest and fastest-growing constituency. OneQuantum’s online events have attracted thousands of attendees from all over the world, reaching a total of 150,000 views online.