AI and Weather Expert Amy McGovern to Keynote RMACC’s HPC Symposium

Boulder, CO – Feb. 10, 2021 — Dr. Amy McGovern, the Lloyd G. and Joyce Austin Presidential Professor in the School of Computer Science and School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma, will be the second day keynote speaker for the 11th annual Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium’s (RMACC) High Performance Computing Symposium, May 19-20.

She will speak on the topic:  “How HPC enables us to build trustworthy AI for high-impact weather.“

Dr. McGovern leads the NSF AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography, a convergent, multi-sector NSF Trustworthy AI institute led by the University of Oklahoma that brings together researchers in AI, atmospheric science, ocean science, and risk communication.  She also directs the Interaction, Discovery, Exploration and Adaptation (IDEA) lab.   Research in the IDEA Lab focuses on developing and applying data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques with a focus on high-impact real-world applications.

Much of Dr. McGovern’s current work focuses on weather analytics or physical data science, where she and her students are developing physics-based trustworthy AI methods as well as explainable AI.  “We apply these methods to high-impact weather phenomena including tornadoes, hail, severe wind events, flooding, drought, and aircraft turbulence,” she said.

Since 2019 McGovern has served as editor of the American Meteorological Society’s  (AMS) journal Weather and Forecasting.  She also is Vice-Chair of the AMS Committee on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications to Environmental Science.

Her keynote speech will open the May 20, schedule at the virtually presented Symposium.  McGovern joins Duke University’s Dr. Amanda Randles to Keynote the event – which includes a full slate of tutorial sessions and panel discussions.  Thanks to generous sponsor support, the Symposium will be offered free to all.  Registration opens in March.

Primarily a volunteer organization, the RMACC is a collaboration among 31 academic and research institutions located in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.  To learn more about the RMACC and its mission, visit the website: