Atos Boosts Supercomputing Power for Spanish State Meteorological Agency AEMET

Paris and Madrid, February 23, 2021 – Atos announced it has been selected by the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) to supply and install its computing and storage technology, through the tender “Contracting of Supply through leasing without the option to purchase a Supercomputing System for the AEMET”. Based on the BullSequana supercomputing architecture from Atos, the new supercomputer will provide almost ten times more computing capacity than the current one which was installed in the 2014.

This new supercomputer will reinforce and expand AEMET’s current computing capabilities to boost research in different areas such as weather forecasting, climate change, wave prediction and support its collaboration with international organizations. Additionally, it supports AEMET meet the new strategic, technological and service provision challenges, such as preparing, supplying and disseminating meteorological information and forecasts, in its 2019-21 Action Plan, thereby consolidating its presence as one of the main meteorological centers in Europe.

“The availability of the new high-performance system will not only allow for greater computing capacity and a reduction in the time necessary for the execution of numerical models, but it will also enable us to optimize resources, automate processes and put in place comprehensive procedures, to promote a more sustainable architecture.” said Raúl Hilara, Telematics Coordinator of the State Meteorological Agency at AEMET.

“The fact that AEMET has renewed their confidence in our technological capabilities is testament to our expertise and we are proud that Atos will continue to be their reference technology provider in supercomputing, accompanying them in the new challenges of weather forecasting and climate change. This new success strengthens our commitment as a European leader in the meteorology sector. ” said José Camacho, director of HPC & Quantum computing of Atos in Iberia.

This project will consist of the installation of two clusters equipped with more than 50,000 cores based on AMD EPYC processor technology, with a capacity 5.9 PB of gross storage, linked with a low latency interconnect network of 200 Gbits / sec.