Object Management Group Adopts Open Architecture Radar Interface Standard (OARIS) 2.0 Spec

Boston – Feb. 3, 2021 – Today, international technology standards organization Object Management Group (OMG) announced the Open Architecture Radar Interface Standard (OARIS) 2.0 specification, which defines the interface between the combat management system (CMS) and a radar system within the modular combat system architecture of naval platforms. OARIS 2.0 divides the interface into three categories, namely subsystem services (interfaces applicable to any module within a combat system), sensor services (interfaces applicable to any sensor component within a combat system), and radar services.

Today, OMG also issued a request for proposal (RFP) for OARIS 3.0 Plot Sharing. OMG is seeking proposals that support a range of networked sensors within fast-moving air and missile targets as well as airborne and subsurface sensors. The enhanced OARIS 3.0 specification will allow for the development, integration, and deployment of technology for much shorter air-defense timelines and more comprehensive air and surface pictures.

OARIS 1.0 included a standard approach for radar and general-purpose track reporting between radar and a CMS on one platform.

“Decision makers need help detecting advanced threats much earlier and tracking them more accurately in response to the ever-evolving technological capabilities of future adversaries,” said Simon Mettrick, Chair of the OMG OARIS 2.0 Finalization Task Force and Openness & AI Lead Technologist, BAE Systems. “They’re looking for a comprehensive air and surface picture that includes 360-degree coverage of the full threat spectrum as well as improved classification, i.e., the ability to distinguish various threat types. This information will help decision makers shorten the time from initial target detection to the command of an engagement across sea-, land-, and air-based sensor networks.”

More information about the OARIS 2.0 specification is available to the general public in beta before the finalized specification, which is expected later this year.

Proposal submissions for the OARIS Version 3.0 Plot Sharing specification should include the automatic exchange of sensor plot data and plot-like data that will enable a significant reduction in system-wide reaction-times and assist with robust and correct target classification. The full request and details on how to respond can be found in the OARIS 3.0 Plot Sharing RFP. The deadline to submit a letter of intent, which any company can do regardless of OMG membership, is September 6, 2021 and the initial submission deadline is December 7, 2021. Companies must be members of OMG by the initial submission deadline to submit their proposal.

About OMG
The Object Management Group (OMG) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium with representation from government, industry and academia. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG’s modeling standards enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes. Visit www.omg.org for more information.