May 1 Deadline ACM–IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship

Nominations are open (link to form is below) for the ACM–IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship, which honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is on high-performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analysis using the most powerful computers available.

The awards are presented each November at the annual SC Conference, where the recipients are recognized at the SC Awards Ceremony.  Each fellowship is accompanied by an honorarium of $5000 plus travel expenses to attend SC.  Financial support for the award is supported through an endowment established by the SC Steering Committee.

Next Deadline: Saturday, May 1, 2021 – end of day, anywhere on earth (AoE), UTC -12.

Candidates must be enrolled in a full-time PhD program at an accredited college or university and must meet the minimum scholastic requirements at their institution.  They are expected to have completed at least one year of study and have at least one year remaining between the application deadline and their expected graduation.

The fellowship reflects the two societies’ (Association of Computing Machinery and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society) commitment to workforce diversity.  Applications from women, minorities, international students and all who contribute to diversity are encouraged. Advisees of committee members are not eligible for the award, nor can committee members provide recommendation letters.

Applications will be evaluated based on the following factors:

  • overall potential for research excellence
  • degree to which technical interests align with those of the HPC community
  • demonstration of current and planned future use of HPC resources
  • evidence of a plan of study to enhance HPC-related skills
  • evidence of academic progress to-date, including presentations and publications
  • evidence of a plan of study to enhance HPC-related skills
  • recommendation by faculty advisor


Nominations for the fellowship are in the form of self-nominations, submitted using the online nomination form.  Materials must be prepared as specified below.  Incomplete or incorrect nominations will be disqualified.

  • Name, address, phone number, and email address of nominator (in this case, the candidate is self-nominating).
  • Name and contact information for endorser (must be the candidate’s PhD advisor).  After the nomination has been submitted, the student will receive an email confirming its receipt, and the advisor will receive an email (from with information and a URL to submit a confidential letter of endorsement (not to exceed 1500 words). Please note that the endorsement must be submitted and confirmed (two-step process).  It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the advisor submits and confirms the endorsement before the deadline date. Email notification is sent to the student and to the advisor after the endorsement process has been completed.
  • Suggested citation if the nomination is selected.  This should be a concise statement (maximum of 25 words) describing your research.  Note that the final wording for award announcements will be at the discretion of the Award Committee.
  • Nomination (PDF not exceeding 5 pages in length, following typical technical paper page standards: 11 pt font, single spaced text, fitting within 7.5” x 10” text area).  Note that the research interests should be explained in terms understandable to a non-specialist.  Only nominations meeting all requirements, including length limitations, will be considered.
  1. Educational Information (use a table listing each item in a separate row)
    • name of educational institution
    • name of department
    • name of department chair
    • enrollment basis (either Full Time or Other; explain if Other)
    • year and term PhD program was entered
    • most recent GPA
    • expect graduation date
  2. Additional Candidate Information
    • primary telephone
    • alternate telephone
  3. Statement (2 pp max)
    • description of candidate’s research and its importance
    • progress to date
    • how candidate has used HPC in the past
    • plans for the remaining year(s) of graduate study
  4. Publications, Reports, and Major Presentations
    • bibliographic-style listing, including names of all authors in the order they appeared on the title page/slide
    • system and environment where performance was measured (1 p max)

For questions on the above, please contact us at, or  Jade Morris, ACM Awards Committee Liaison.  ACM’s conflict-of-interest guidelines apply to all award nominations.

sources: AMC, IEEE-CS