RMACC to Open HPC Symposium with CyberAmbassadors Workshop for Research Computing Facilitators

BOULDER, CO. – A CyberAmbassadors workshop focusing on communication, teamwork and leadership tools designed for Research Computing Facilitators will open the 11th Annual Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium’s (RMACC) High Performance Computing Symposium on Tuesday, May 18. The 90-minute workshop will be led by Dylan Perkins of the Advanced Research Computing Center at the University of Wyoming and is open to everyone regardless of role or job level.

“As the integration of Cyberinfrastructure (CI) in research continues, CI Professionals find themselves tackling problems and consulting on projects that are increasingly complex and collaborative,” Perkins said.  “In order to respond to various requests from the research community, CI Professionals need both the expertise to solve computational challenges and the professional skills to work in teams with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and goals. While CI Professionals have many technical skills, it can be harder to get the experience or training for the necessary professional skills required to be successful in the modern workplace.”

This workshop, he added, will provide a fun, collaborative environment to practice those skills.  It kicks off a diverse multi-track 3-day program that continues on May 19-20 with keynote talks, tutorials and panel discussions.

The on-line Symposium is offered free of charge thanks to major support from Intel and Dell with additional support from HPE, ARM and Cornelis Networks.  To register and view the complete schedule – which includes a tutorial session for those new to the HPC field – visit the website www.rmacc.org/hpcsymposium.

About the RMACC
Primarily a volunteer organization, the RMACC – the nation’s largest consortium of its kind – is a collaboration among 31 academic and research institutions located in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. The RMACC’s mission is to facilitate widespread effective use of high performance computing throughout this 9-state intermountain region.  To learn more about the RMACC and its membership and mission, visit the website: www.rmacc.org/about/