Future of Data Visualization and Agile Business Intelligence

The biggest trends we’ve seen in data over the past decade are; the sheer growth of data set sizes, coupled with the increasing complexity of analysis and data science, and the resultant realization of extremely dynamic, data-driven markets. This whitepaper, “Future of Data Visualization and Agile Business Intelligence,” sponsored by Brytlyt, focuses on these trends and how they’ve had several key impacts on the data analytics and visualization industry.

As businesses have greater access to customer, market and internal information, it’s inevitable that new analytics trends will emerge as they innovate new ways to mine these data sets.

Learn how businesses advance and keep up with data trends without losing out on  their existing investments and assets. The report includes the following sections:

  • Executive Summary
  • Emerging Data Visualization Trends
  • The Need to Adapt and Adopt New Technology
  • How to Find the Right Solutions
  • GPU Acceleration with Brytlyt

Download this white paper, “Future of Data Visualization and Agile Business Intelligence,” to see how together with your visualization tool, Brytlyt simultaneously meets the growing demand for accelerated  responsiveness to ad hoc analyses, greater detail from large datasets and more sophisticated analytics  capabilities – without any compromise.