June 2, 2021 — Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)announced the selection of 32 outstanding undergraduate and graduate students across the nation to receive the prestigious DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, jointly managed by the Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
A list of fellows, their institutions, and their fields of study can be found on the ASCR homepage under the heading, “What’s New.”
The fellowship program, established in 1991, trains top leaders in computational science by supporting advanced high-performance computational research toward doctoral degrees in a wide range of disciplines, from atmospheric science to condensed matter physics and quantum information science.
Chosen by a panel of outside experts, fellows receive a stipend of $38,000, payment of full tuition and fees at any accredited U.S. university, and a $1,000 professional development allowance per year, all renewable for up to four years. They also participate in a 12-week research experience at DOE laboratories or sites with access to DOE supercomputers.
DOE is proud to support a diverse incoming class of Fellows, with 50% of Fellows identifying as women and nearly 50% self-identifying as a member of an underrepresented group. With the 2021-22 class, more than 550 students will have entered the fellowship since its establishment. More than 400 now work in fields that support computing’s capacity to address problems important to the nation’s future.
The fellowship is jointly supported by the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) within DOE’s Office of Science and NNSA.