Apply Now for the SC21 Early Career Program

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Early-career researchers and technical professionals within the first five years of a permanent position are encouraged to apply for the SC21 Early Career Program. This virtual workshop, scheduled for Monday, November 15, 2021, will provide a one-day series of special sessions related to goal setting, collaboration, publishing, funding, mentorship, science communication, time management, academic service roles and more.

Early career applications can be submitted via the SC submissions website.

Applications close August 31, 2021. Notifications sent September 30, 2021

Visit here for more information.

Topics may include:

  • Goal Setting: Discerning, planning for, and pursuing career goals
  • Collaboration: Exploring opportunities for local and remote collaboration to increase impact and pursue career goals
  • Funding: Understanding the agencies, funding instruments, and strategies for securing research funding
  • Publishing: Understanding the landscape of conference, journal, and other publication venues, including getting involved in conference leadership or journal editorship
  • Mentorship: Understanding the difference between a mentor and a sponsor and establishing effective, long-term mentoring and sponsoring relationships
  • Science Communication: Discussing effective ways to promote research and development by communicating science to the public, as part of interdisciplinary science research
  • Time Management: Striking a balance between our professional and personal responsibilities and obligations
  • Academic Service Roles: Balance involvement in various academic service roles at one’s institution, and in conference organization, program committees, editorial boards

The program will offer engaging interactive sessions aimed at helping participants develop their professional skills, as well as a strategic vision for their future.