Oct. 19, 2021 — PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, has issued a survey aimed at assessing difficulties and issues SMEs face when attempting to apply high performance computing (HPC) and big data analysis to their work and when navigating the maze of software covering industry areas and research related to them.
The survey will be available online until 31 October 2021 at EOB. Please click on this link to access the PRACE Industry Survey The survey contains 20 short questions (the last 4 are optional) and will take roughly 10 min to complete.
The survey outcome will help prepare a more detailed survey regarding Industry’s needs to be undertaken by the PRACE‘s HPC-GIG project at the end of this year.
Note that this survey is anonymous. The record of the survey responses does not contain any identifying information about the participants. Only if the participant to this survey would like to receive a summary outcome of the survey and be kept up to date on the project’s progress, they can enter their contact details.