2021 HPC Bounceback Hurt by Supply Chain, Pandemic: Intersect360 Research to Hold Nov. 5 Market Forecast Webinar

SUNNYVALE, CA—October 29, 2021— HPC and hyperscale analyst firm Intersect360 Research will share the latest updates and information about the worldwide HPC market at its annual pre-Supercomputing webinar Friday, November 5 at 12pm EDT / 9am PDT. Advance registration is required at www.intersect360.com/webinar.

During the free 90-minute webinar, Intersect360 Research CEO Addison Snell and Chief Research Officer Dan Olds will share insights from the firm’s latest HPC software survey, including the use of cloud computing, the adoption of machine learning, and the scalability of different processing architectures.

“This software survey is the largest and most comprehensive ever performed,” said Olds. “We go deep not only into how real-world facilities are using HPC software but also the specific applications they’re are running and how they’re running them. We cover eleven different HPC disciplines, from Biosciences to Weather and Climate applications. We’re not only asking what applications they’re using, but also the size their typical and maximum-sized instances are and how their applications perform on different processor architectures.”

The webinar will also include an overview of how COVID-19-related supply chain disruptions are affecting the worldwide HPC market, and what that means for the 2021 market forecast.

“2021 was supposed to be a bounce-back year for HPC,” says Snell, “but supply chain disruptions and lingering effects of the pandemic are conspiring to hold back HPC in several critical areas. In response to these conditions, Intersect360 Research has reassessed the near-term forecast.”

Other topics to be covered include what to watch for at SC21 and the launch of the Intersect360 Research Winter Classic Student Cluster Competition.