@HPCpodcast – How to Get the Most out of the TOP500

insideHPC in association with the technology analyst firm OrionX.net have released episode 2 of the @HPCpodcast, launched earlier this week and featuring OrionX.net analyst Shahin Khan and Doug Black, insideHPC’s editor-in-chief.

In our second @HPCpodcast episode, we take a look at the latest update of TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers — we look at the relatively static situation among the list’s top 10 (though changes are expected soon) along with some surprises embedded below the surface of the overall list. Also, Shahin shares his insights into how to view the list to get maximum value out of it.

@HPCpodcast is intended to be a lively and informative forum examining key technology trends driving high performance computing and artificial intelligence. Each podcast will feature our comments on the latest HPC news and also a deeper dive into a focused topic.

You can find the @HPCpodcast on insideHPC and at the @HPCpodcast page on Twitter. Here’s the RSS feed: http://orionx.net/category/audio-podcast/feed

We welcome your suggestions for future special topics and guest commentators. Feel free to contact Doug or Shahin with your thoughts.


  1. Is there a feed (as in Atom, RSS, something a feedreader can … you know …) for this podcast? When I view page source, I see lots (like 10-ish) InsideHPC feeds but nothing just for the podcast.