ALCF Announces Aurora Exascale Learning Paths Schedule

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility has announced its Aurora Learning Paths training series, in partnership with Intel, designed to advance development of applications for ALCF’s upcoming exascale supercomputer. The sessions will be held online from 10-11 am Central Time on January 12, February 9, March 9 and March 16, 2022.

The featured speaker will be Intel Software Engineer Rakshith Krishnappa, who will explore the use of oneAPI and Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), Intel’s open source implementation of SYCL, to demonstrate methods for achieving performant, portable code across five different platforms available on the Intel DevCloud.

Register here to reserve a seat for the first four sessions in the series:

January 12: Introduction to Performance, Portability, and Productivity for HPC

February 9: Optimization Best Practices Using SYCL

March 9: Using Analysis Tools for Portable Offload to CPU or GPU

March 16: Performance, Portability, and Productivity – Mini Hackathon