Exascale Computing Project Issues Application Development Report

February 11, 2022 — The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has issued a milestone report summarizes the status of all 30 ECP Application Development (AD) subprojects at the end of FY20. The 222-page report can be obtained from the ECP website.

In October and November of 2020, a comprehensive assessment of AD projects was conducted by the ECP leadership. Reviews occurred virtually between October 27, 2020 and November 12, 2020. The review committee consisting of the AD lead, deputy, and L3 evaluated each subproject’s progress in porting their codes to early exascale architectures considered precursors to the first three planned exascale machines. This includes characterizing which modules have been ported to multi-accelerator nodes, initial performance analyses, the status of software integration, and a current vision of successes, obstacles, and next steps.

ECP said “the report contains not only an accurate snapshot of each subproject’s status from this timeframe but also represents an unprecedentedly broad account of experiences in porting large scientific applications to next-generation high-performance computing architectures…. the general consensus of the review committees was that ECP application projects have made excellent progress in FY20 and are well on track for a successful overall project completion.”