Registration Opens for ALCF HPC Computational Performance Workshop: May 24-26

March 24, 2022 — Registration is now open for the virtual ALCF Computational Performance Workshop, May 24-26, 2022, an opportunity to work with staff and industry experts to achieve computational readiness on ALCF computing resources. The goal: boost code performance during collaborative online sessions with ALCF and industry professionals.

Go here for more information or to register.

Among the focus areas of the workshops: learn how to improve utilization of Theta/ThetaGPU and prepare for future ALCF computing resources; benchmark and debug codes with exclusive reservations on ALCF computing systems; explore advanced techniques and tools to enhance application performance and expand data science skills; prepare for a major allocation award (INCITE, ALCC)

ALCF said registration deadlines include:

Foreign nationals: April 26, 2022

U.S. citizens: May 10, 2022

The ALCF Computational Performance Workshop is intended for HPC researchers and team members with near-term goals of applying for a major allocation award. Registrants will be reviewed for experience level and goals for attending.

For questions or suggestions, email ALCF at