Final Aurora Learning Paths Training Module to Be Held June 8

June 6, 2022 — This Aurora Learning Paths training series continues on Wednesday, June 8, 1:30-3:30 Central Time, with a module focused on using Data Parallel Python to advance code development for the ALCF’s upcoming Aurora system. The session will cover K-Means and Gpairs as examples to demonstrate the implementation of algorithms with live sample code on the Intel DevCloud and/or JLSE, as well as code walk-through of writing the @numba.jit implementation and @kernel implementation of K-Means and Gpairs algorithms.

Slides and videos for the first two modules can be found here.

You can register here.

Here’s what the talk covers:

  • Code walk-thru of writing the @numba.jit implementation and @kernel implementation of K-Means and Gpairs algorithms.
  • Introduce to Intel Extension for Scikit-learn
  • Code walk-thru of optimized K-Means implementation using Intel® Extension for Scikit-learn
  • Code walk-thru and visualize the K-Means and Gpairs algorithms using matplotlib
  • Compile and execute the same algorithms code sample on CPU and GPU offload