@HPCpodcast: AWS, Sun, eBay, Netflix (and Others) Vet Adrian Cockcroft Talks Cloud HPC-AI and the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative

Cool stories and valuable insights abound in this @HPCpodcast episode as we get together with tech veteran Adrian Cockcroft. Suffice it to say Cockcroft knows what he’s talking about. He recently joined OrionX having served at a vice president at Amazon Web Services for the past several years. He was a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems and wrote the Sun Performance and Tuning book that can still be found on many technologist’s bookshelves. He was a founding member of eBay Labs, director of web engineering and cloud architect at Netflix, and technology fellow at Battery Ventures. As vice president at AWS and Amazon Sustainability Architecture he represented Amazon on the board of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and the Open Source Climate foundation.

In our converesation with Adrian, we start with Netflix’s move to the cloud, a significant event that helped put cloud computing on the map. Then it’s on to Environment, Sustainability, and Governance (ESG), Formula-1 racing, and cloud configurations and interconnects for HPC and AI workloads. And we talk about accessing the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) and its petabytes of data, including weather observations, ocean temperatures, climate projection data and satellite imagery, used by researchers and scientists.

You can find our podcasts at insideHPC’s @HPCpodcast page, on Twitter and at the OrionX.net blog. Here’s the RSS feed.

We welcome your ideas for special topics and guest commentators. Feel free to contact Doug Black or Shahin Khan with your suggestions.