CIQ Collaborates with the OpenRadioss Community to Containerize the Code with Apptainer

RENO, Nev. — October 18, 2022 — CIQ, the company building the next generation of software infrastructure for enterprises running data-intensive workloads atop the Rocky Linux enterprise Linux distribution, announced it has containerized OpenRadioss, the open-source version of the powerful multiphysics design tool Altair Radioss. Using open-source Apptainer, CIQ engineers have containerized OpenRadioss crash simulation code and demonstrated successful deployment on a crash model for the Toyota Camry.

Although OpenRadioss code can be downloaded by anyone for free, deployment of the source code typically requires that engineers create a custom build (i.e., executable application) for their specific infrastructure. Containerization of the OpenRadioss code using Apptainer accomplishes this multi-step task and eliminates the need for modeling engineers to become experts in builds and deployment of open-source code to different architecture and hardware targets. Simply put, in its containerized form OpenRadioss is ready to be installed on nearly any type of host environment.

The benefits of containerizing OpenRadioss with Apptainer include:

  1. Creates a binary image from a specific version of OpenRadioss source

  2. Simplifies deployment across a range of user systems from workstations to clusters to cloud.

  3. Adds cryptographic signing capabilities for security and zero-trust environments.

“This is a huge deal for the simulation community,” said Brock Taylor, vice president of High Performance Computing & Strategic Partnerships at CIQ. “It will speed integration of underlying technologies without diminishing the value of the commercial version of Altair Radioss. We’re eager to help drive further adoption of Radioss by providing a stable and scalable containerization platform with Rocky Linux and Apptainer.”

Developed by Altair, a global leader in computational science and artificial intelligence, Radioss is a leading analysis solution to evaluate and optimize product performance for highly nonlinear problems under dynamic loadings. Well-known for crash simulation, Radioss is used in many industries—including automotive, defense, aerospace, railway, electronics and consumer goods, and biomechanics—to maximize performance related to durability, NVH (noise/vibration/harshness), crash, safety, manufacturability and fluid-structure interaction. Earlier this month, Altair open sourced RadiossOpenRadioss is now freely available for engineers who are interested in simulating automotive crash and safety, shock and impact analysis, electronic and consumer goods drop testing, fluid structure interactions, and more.

“What an impressive contribution from CIQ! Having OpenRadioss containerized makes the code even more accessible,” said Eric Lequiniou, vice president Radioss Development & Altair Solver HPC. This is a perfect illustration of how contributions from a highly engaged open-source community accelerate the pace of innovation!”