ALCF Announces INCITE Hackathon, Applications Due March 8

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), together with NVIDIA and OpenACC, is co-organizing a hybrid hackathon to help research teams prepare for the upcoming 2024 INCITE call for proposals.

Hackathon dates:

  • April 18: Team/Mentor virtual meeting from 09:00 – 11:00 AM CT
  • April 25: Virtual meeting 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • May 3-5: The event will be offered either in-person at Argonne National Laboratory or virtually over Zoom from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM each day

Applications to participate are due March 8, 2023. For details or to apply, visit:

Direct questions to:

This hackathon will provide an opportunity for researchers to accelerate their AI or HPC research under the guidance of expert mentors from ALCF and vendors in a collaborative environment.

These teams of mentors and attendees work together to realize performance gains and speedups using a variety of programming models, libraries, and tools. The goal is for computational scientists to port, accelerate and optimize their scientific applications to modern computer architectures including GPUs, all in time to submit a successful INCITE proposal.