HPC User Forum to Be Held at Princeton April 18-19, Spotlight on High- and Low-Growth HPC Segments

Feb. 6, 2023 — HPC industry analyst firm Hyperion Research announced that the HPC User Forum will hold a conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 18-19, at the Princeton, NJ, Marriott at Forrestal.

The conference agenda can be found here, more information and registration can be found here.

Hyperion Research will provide an HPC market update with a spotlight on high- and low-growth segments for 2023 and beyond. Topics covered will include: using HPC for sustainable energy, HPC applications and software tools, implementation of AI technology and several discussions on quantum computing.

The program will have several discussions on sustainable fusion energy.  “While the world is still years away from harnessing fusion for real world value, it has the potential for providing vast amounts of clean energy,” the firm saidsaid. “The topic goes hand in hand with high performance computing and the need for exascale-level modeling and simulation.”

Fusion presentations will be delivered by William Tang, a principal research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), Dr. Aidan P. Thompson, distinguished member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, and Sean Dettrick, director of computational sciences at fusion power company TAE Technologies. In addition, William Dorland, associate laboratory director for Computational Science at PPPL will give a facility update.

The HPC User Forum was established in 1999 to promote the health of the global HPC industry and address issues of common concern to users. The organization is directed by a volunteer Steering Committee of users from government, industry and academia, and is operated for the users by Hyperion Research.

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Hyperion said that as of early February, organizations presenting at this event will include:

Argonne National Laboratory
Dell Technologies
Fed Data Technology Systems
Flatiron Institute
Johns Hopkins University, Space Telescope Science Institute
KAUST (Saudi Arabia)
New Jersey Institute of Technology
NYU Langone HPC Medical Research Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton University
Sandia National Laboratories
TAE Technologies
The Pawsey Supercomputing Center (Australia)