May 17, 2023 — The Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program in the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science is organizing a workshop to identify priority research directions in quantum computing and networking to better position ASCR to realize the potential of quantum technologies in advancing DOE science applications.
Key deadlines:
- May 1, 2023: Deadline for position paper submission
- May 23, 2023: Notification of position acceptance
- July 11-13, 2023: Workshop (greater Washington, DC area)
- Workshop website:
DOE point of contact: Tom Wong (
The mission of the ASCR is to advance applied mathematics and computer science research; deliver the most sophisticated computational scientific applications in partnership with disciplinary science; advance computing and networking capabilities; and develop future generations of computing hardware and software tools in partnership with the research community, including U.S. industry. ASCR supports computer science and applied mathematics activities that provide the foundation for increasing the capability of the national high-performance computing ecosystem and scientific data infrastructure. ASCR encourages focus on long-term research to develop intelligent software, algorithms, and methods that anticipate future hardware challenges and opportunities as well as science needs (
ASCR has been investing in quantum information science (QIS) since 2017. ASCR’s QIS investments span a broad scope of research in quantum computing and quantum networking with investments in quantum algorithms and mathematical methods; the creation of a suite of traditional software tools and techniques including programming languages, compilers, and debugging; quantum edge computing; and quantum applications such as machine learning. ASCR is also funding quantum hardware research and quantum testbeds: two quantum computing testbeds are available at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) to external collaborators, and two quantum internet testbeds are being developed by LBNL and by a collaboration between Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). More information about ASCR QIS investments can be found here:
ASCR research into quantum computing and quantum networking technologies is making rapid progress, and specialized systems are now commercially available. It is important for ASCR to understand the potential of these new and radically different technologies relative to conventional computing systems and for DOE-relevant applications. However, ASCR is not interested in exploring the underlying, specific device technologies at this workshop. This workshop will focus on the following two exploration areas:
- The quantum software stack and fundamental quantum computer science and algorithms research. What elements of the quantum software stack need targeted investment in order to accelerate the development of quantum computing systems? What questions in quantum computer science should be addressed and what mathematical models should be explored in order to understand the potential of quantum computing? What research could spur new approaches to developing quantum algorithms?
- Quantum networking. What lab-scale research in quantum networking would accelerate the development of quantum computers? Should larger-scale quantum networking research, such as space-based quantum communication, fall within ASCR’s research priorities in QIS? What research on quantum networks will benefit multiple qubit platforms?
The workshop will be structured around a set of breakout sessions, with every attendee expected to participate actively in the discussions. Afterward, workshop attendees – from DOE National Laboratories, industry, and academia – will produce a report for ASCR that summarizes the findings made during the workshop.
We invite community input in the form of two-page position papers that identify and discuss key challenges and opportunities in quantum computing and networking. In addition to providing an avenue for identifying workshop participants, these position papers will be used to shape the workshop agenda, identify panelists, and contribute to the workshop report. Position papers should not describe the authors’ current or planned research, contain material that should not be disclosed to the public, nor should they recommend specific solutions or discuss narrowly focused research topics. Rather, they should aim to improve the community’s shared understanding of the problem space, identify challenging research directions, and help to stimulate discussion.
One author of each selected submission will be invited to participate in the workshop.
By submitting a position paper, authors consent to have their position paper published publicly.
Authors are not required to have a history of funding by the ASCR Computer Science program.
Submission Guidelines
Position Paper Structure and Format
Position papers should follow the following format:
- Title
- Authors (with affiliations and email addresses)
- Topic: one or more of the following in the context of quantum computing and networking: applications, models, algorithms, compilation, error correction and mitigation, and codesign and integration
- Challenge: Identify aspects of current quantum computing and networking stacks that illustrate the limitations of state-of-the-art practice, with examples as appropriate
- Opportunity: Describe how the identified challenges may be addressed, whether it is through new tools and techniques, new technologies, or new groups collaborating in the codesign process
- Assessment: What would constitute success, and how would potential solutions be evaluated? If appropriate, metrics measuring success as well as estimates or projections of required quantum resources may be included.
- Timeliness or maturity: Why now? What breakthrough or change makes progress possible now where it wasn’t possible before? What will be the impact of success?
- References
Each position paper must be no more than two pages including figures and references. The paper may include any number of authors but contact information for a single author who can represent the position paper at the workshop must be provided with the submission. There is no limit to the number of position papers that an individual or group can submit. Authors are strongly encouraged to follow the structure previously outlined. Papers should be submitted in PDF format using the designated page on the workshop website.
Areas of Emphasis
We are seeking submissions aimed at various levels of broadly scoped quantum computing and networking stacks:
- Applications:
- fundamental mathematical kernels and standardized libraries,
- new kinds of DOE science applications informed by quantum capabilities
- assessment of realistic quantum advantages, including estimation of quantum resource requirements
- tools for application performance modeling and estimation
- application-inspired benchmarks and curated libraries of instances
- applications of entanglement distribution networks
- Computing and programming models:
- design and analysis of established and novel abstract quantum computing and programming models
- models for hybrid quantum and classical computing
- programming environments for expressing quantum algorithms
- quantum network models and architectures
- hybrid quantum and classical network design
- models for distributed quantum computing
- Algorithms:
- quantum algorithms admitting theoretical or empirical evidence of advantage for fundamental domains such as simulation, optimization, or machine learning
- hybrid quantum and classical algorithms
- quantum-inspired classical algorithms
- classical algorithms and software systems to simulate quantum computers and networks, including tensor network and Monte Carlo simulations
- Compilation:
- expanding the scope, utility, efficiency, and robustness of software stacks for quantum computing
- approaches, algorithms, and software systems for circuit compilation and qubit mapping, routing, parameter optimization, and scheduling;
- Error correction and mitigation:
- near-term quantum computing
- networking applications
- Codesign and integration across the quantum computing and networking stacks:
- impact of application requirements across the stack
- impact of noise, fidelity, and gate execution time on algorithms and applications
While the program committee has identified the above topics as important areas for discussion, we welcome position papers from the community that propose additional topics of interest for discussion at the workshop.
Submissions will be reviewed by the workshop’s organizing committee using criteria of overall quality, relevance, likelihood of stimulating constructive discussion, and ability to contribute to an informative workshop report. Unique positions that are well presented and emphasize potentially-transformative research directions will be given preference.
Organizing Committee
- Joe Broz, IBM
- Mark Byrd, Southern Illinois University
- Yanne Chembo, University of Maryland
- Bert de Jong, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Eden Figueroa, Stony Brook University
- Travis Humble, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Jeffrey Larson, Argonne National Laboratory
- Pavel Lougovski, Amazon Web Services
- Ojas Parekh, Sandia National Labs
- Greg Quiroz, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- Krysta Svore, Microsoft