Intel Launches Intel Agilex 7 FPGAs

March 6, 2023 — Intel has launched new FPGAs, the Agilex 7 FPGAs with F-Tile, equipped with what the company said are the fastest FPGA transceivers on the market. Designed to address bandwidth-intensive environments such asdata centers and high-speed networks, the FPGAs deliver up to 116 gigabits per second (Gbps) and hardened 400 gigabit Ethernet (GbE) intellectual property (IP), Intel said.

Built on Intel’s 10 nanometer SuperFin process technology, Agilex 7 with F-Tile allows creation of custom chip design for specific needs. Intel said the chips’ multiprotocol capabilities combined with its data rates enable customers to realize new connectivity topologies in a single device. For example, Agilex 7 with F-Tile enables 400 Gbps to 1.6 Tbps optical networking applications as well as applications such as 25/50G passive optical network for high-speed broadband applications or broadcast standards like HDMI and SDI, the company said.

“Intel’s Agilex 7 with F-Tile is loaded with transceivers that deliver more flexibility, bandwidth and data rate performance than any other FPGA on the market today,” said Shannon Poulin, Intel corporate VP/GM of the Programmable Solutions Group. “Together with Intel manufacturing and our supply chain resilience, we’re delivering multiple industry-leading products and capabilities that our customers and the industry require to address a broad range of critical business needs.”

Network operators, cloud providers and enterprise organizations need to address growing bandwidth requirements and are looking for cost-effective, flexible hardware solutions. Agilex 7 with F-Tile directly meets these needs and enables networking, cloud or embedded applications, bandwidth-intensive applications like IPUs (infrastructure processing units) and compute-intensive applications. Additionally, it doubles the bandwidth per channel compared to previous-generation Intel FPGAs and enables new products that deliver increased data traffic while reducing power and maintaining strict form-factor limitations.

With Agilex 7, Intel continues to optimize FPGAs for a broad range of markets including optical networking, data centers, broadcast studios, medical testing facilities and 5G networks.