Dell: The Crucial Government-Industry HPC Link for Accelerating U.S. Global Competitiveness

[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE]   HPC has significantly improved many aspects of our lives. From HPC-based modelling and simulation in aerospace and automobile design, to modeling climate change, to computational science for medical discovery, HPC is at the forefront of tackling this country’s – and humanity’s – biggest challenges.

But HPC-based research and development is expensive, and lagging investments by U.S. industry in HPC could jeopardize this country’s global economic standing. This article provides a summary of a white paper developed on behalf of Dell Technologies by HPC industry analyst firm Hyperion Research, on the crucial role that HPC investments by the U.S. government can play in supporting and accelerating the economic success and global competitiveness of U.S. industry.

HPC is recognized by industry, academia and nations as critical to addressing complex engineering and scientific problems, as well as maintaining competitiveness on the world stage. Industry in particular has benefited from innovations in the evolution of HPC-class computing.

The Washington, DC-based non-profit organization, the U.S. Council on Competitiveness works with academia, business, labor and the national labs on an agenda driving the commercialization of new ideas – including ideas related to HPC and supercomputing.

One of the council’s core objectives is further investment in HPC across the U.S. government spectrum, particularly when done in partnership with industry. Hyperion Research studies have shown that the return on investments in HPC is very high and can reach $507 in sales revenues per dollar invested in HPC, and $47 in profits or cost savings per dollar invested in dedicated strategic HPC activities.

Beyond U.S. government investment in HPC solutions, further development also is needed to facilitate industry adoption, including easy access, best practices advisory, flexible terms, and utilization support.

Other countries and regions around the world have recognized the importance of supporting industry growth initiatives. The European Union (EU) has several programs to encourage industry to leverage cooperative investment and expertise in HPC (e.g., EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, PRACE [PaRtnership for Advanced Computing in Europe], ETP4HPC [European Technology Platform for HPC]) to supplement industries’ specific domain-level expertise.

In Japan, the RIKEN Center for Computational Science has set up several consortia to facilitate use of its research results across sectors, including Industrial Automotive CAE and Combustion Engine CAE. Singapore supports numerous engagements with APAC regional industry (including Japan and Australia) for access to HPC and encourage research and engineering across domains that range from healthcare to smart cities to sustainability.

These efforts are having global impact and increasing the respective nations’ global competitiveness relative to the U.S. Only with continued and even increased U.S. investment in HPC (e.g., divisional and departmental systems, cloud, HPC-enabled AI) and collaborations with U.S. industry users and vendors can the U.S. avoid the risk of long-term economic stagnation or decline.

In the face of these competitive pressures, it must also be said that the cost of standing up and maintaining HPC infrastructure continues to grow. Businesses across industry segments must make difficult budget decisions on whether to invest in areas where they have distinct intellectual property and competitive advantage vs. infrastructure that arguably is not their core business. Users within industry, government and academia need to partner with vendors with a diverse range of products, services, and support who deeply understand their requirements.

Partnering with a proven, end-to-end HPC solutions provider that, in turn, adopts leadership class technology in their product portfolios (e.g., Dell Technologies with AMD) can greatly assist government agencies and departments in supporting U.S. industry’s efforts to strengthen and grow its global economic competitiveness and leadership.

As reported in several recent IDC reports, Dell is the leading provider of enterprise IT solutions across a range of IT infrastructure categories (e.g., servers, converged, hyperconverged, storage, cloud, and AI). Within the HPC market, Dell Technologies is the second leading provider of HPC technical servers globally with a 21.8 percent on-premises market share, and the most preferred HPC storage vendor, being deployed at more than 18 percent of HPC sites in 2021, according to Hyperion Research market studies.

Coupling their industry enterprise IT expertise with their HPC technologies and solutions makes Dell a good partner for both industry and the U.S. government to support its efforts to grow the country’s industrial economic competitiveness.

Download the whitepaper to read more about “To Out-compute is to Out-compete: HPC’s Role in U.S. Industry Global Competitiveness.”

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