We release this special edition of the @HPCpodcast, sponsored by Lenovo, from the ISC conference in Hamburg with a detailed discussion of the new TOP500 list, issued this morning. Shahin, a list advocate, notes that the TOP500 contains 30-plus years of system data showing the convolutions and evolution of the highest performing HPC architectures – “a treasure trove,” as he puts it.
We offer top-line insights from the new list, not just the TOP500 but also the GREEN500, the High-Performance Conjugate Gradient (HPCG) benchmark, and the AI-inspired, mixed-precision HPL-MxP benchmark.
You can find our podcasts at insideHPC’s @HPCpodcast page, on Twitter, at the OrionX.net blog, on iTunes, and on Google. Here’s the OrionX.net podcast page, and the RSS feed.
We welcome your ideas for special topics and guest commentators. Feel free to contact Doug Black or Shahin Khan with your suggestions.