In just a few years, 250 scientific projects have been carried out with the previous Romeo supercomputer in strategic fields such as chemistry, biochemistry, engineering sciences, mathematics, IT, health, and physics. For example, ROMEO has been involved in activities such as the identification of molecules active against COVID-19, the study of the diffusion of atmospheric pollutants in the region, the design of digital twins for the automotive industry, or the production of champagne in connection with plants.
- Accelerated partition: 58 quad NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip compute nodes (232 GPUs), Linpack power 8 petaflops
- CPU partition: 44 bi-socket compute nodes (10 BullSequana x440 servers and 4 BullSequana X430 servers) for a total of 8,448 cores
- 2,8 Po of IBM ESS storage, storage scale and archiving
- Datacenter: datacenter work
- Progress contract: CEPP and NVIDIA support