HPC4EI: DOE Announces $3.4M Funding Opportunity and Awards $4M for Energy Innovation Projects

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced a $4 million federal investment for 10 projects across 8 states that will harness the processing power of the world’s most powerful supercomputers—and the lab experts who operate them—to tackle today’s toughest manufacturing challenges, strengthen America’s manufacturing competitiveness, and move the country closer to an equitable clean energy future for all Americans.

As a part of DOE’s High-Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) initiative, the selected teams will apply advanced modeling, simulation, and data analysis to projects that improve manufacturing efficiency, reduce industrial emissions, and explore new materials and manufacturing processes for clean energy applications.

Projects focus on topic areas associated with both HPC4Mfg and HPC4Mtls. Here’s more information about the selected projects.

DOE also announced a $3.4 million funding opportunity for HPC4EI. The full solicitation is here. Concept papers are due on Dec. 11, 2024, at 8 pm ET. Full proposals are due in March 2025.

Qualified industry partners can apply for funding to participate in short-term, collaborative projects with DOE national laboratories. Successful applicants will work with staff from one or more of DOE’s national laboratories to conduct project activities across the various high-performance computing areas of expertise. These areas include development and optimization of modeling and simulation codes, porting and scaling of applications, application of data analytics and machine learning, as well as applied research and development of tools or methods.

DOE will award up to $400,000 to each selected project to support computing cycles and work performed by DOE national laboratories, universities, and nonprofit partners. All DOE national laboratories are eligible to participate. The industry partner must provide a participant contribution of at least 20% of the total project funding.

DOE encourages applicants to partner with a diverse range of universities, community colleges, and non-profit organizations, especially those in disadvantaged and underserved communities, to ensure the equitable use and benefits of high-performance computing national laboratory resources and technologies.

HPC4EI will hold informational webinars for potential industry partners on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 11 am ET and Monday, Nov. 25 at 12 pm ET. Times and video conference links are available at https://hpc4energyinnovation.llnl.gov.

HPC4EI is the parent initiative for the High-Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) and High-Performance Computing for Materials (HPC4Mtls) programs. HPC4Mfg helps manufacturers streamline their processes, increase their productivity, and lower their carbon footprint. HPC4Mtls focuses on developing and modifying materials to perform well in harsh or complex environments. Both programs leverage high-performance computing resources to help companies improve performance and increase efficiency while also achieving significant cost savings.

HPC4Mfg is funded by the EERE’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office and Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office. HPC4Mtls is funded by the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management. HPC4EI is managed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Visit the HPC4EI website for additional information.