At SC24: Hammerspace on Making Data Accessible, Globally Shared and Silo-Free

At SC24, we caught up with Floyd Christofferson, Vice President of Product Marketing at data management platform vendor Hammerspace, a company at the headwaters of making data an instantly accessible and ….

At SC24: Valvoline Global Revs up HPC-AI Liquid Cooling with Debut in Atlanta

Valvoline Global has taken its engine cooling and lubrication heritage going back more than a century and announced at SC24 its HPC-AI liquid cooling debut. In this interview, we spoke with Samuel Raudales, Valvoline Global’s ….

At SC24: Alex Bouzari on HPC-AI Trends Driving DDN’s Data Intelligence Platform

We sat down with DDN co-founder and CEO Alex Bouzari at SC24 to discuss new trends in high performance storage – or, as Bouzari refers to DDN’s core offering, its data intelligence platform. Bouzari is a stalwart of modern HPC ….

At SC24: Lenovo Update on Meeting New HPC-AI Demands — ‘From Exascale to Every Scale’

At SC24 this week in Atlanta, we caught up with Lenovo’s Moritz Manthey, Senior Manager of HPC Products and Solutions, for an update on Lenovo HPC-AI class servers built to address the emerging requirements for compute, data access ….