@HPCpodcast Industry View: A Deep Dive into High-Density Data Center Cooling and Efficiency with DDC Solutions

Chris Orlando of DDC discusses the rapidly changing landscape of high density data center cooling, monitoring, safety ….

@HPCpodcast Industry View: HPC-AI Memory-Centric Trends with Lenovo Distinguished Engineer Patrick Caporale

The @HPCpodcast “Industry View” feature delves into major issues ….

@HPCpodcast: Aurora Exascale Update and Other HPC-AI Topics with Argonne’s Rick Stevens and Mike Papka

Last year at about this time, we discussed the state of HPC and the Aurora ….

@HPCpodcast: ECP Software Leader Mike Heroux on Building and Sustaining Exascale-Class Codes

The @HPCpodcast is delighted to have Dr. Michael Heroux as ….

@HPCpodcast Industry View: Penguin Solutions on Getting AI Infrastructure Right

…. we dig into the design and deployment of AI infrastructures with Jonathan Ha of Penguin Solutions, who delivers a master class in AI at scale ….

@HPCpodcast: DOE’s Chalk Talks Lab Supercomputing Budgets, ECP’s Legacy and Women in HPC

The future of supercomputing isn’t what it used to be, and few know that better than Christine Chalk, federal program ….

@HPCpodcast: John Shalf on the ‘Attack of the Killer Chiplets’ and the Future of HPC

Special guest and last year’s ISC program chair John Shalf joins Shahin and Doug in this episode of the @HPCpodcast, sponsored by Lenovo, to discuss the rise of specialized architectures to boost HPC performance in the post-Moore’s Law era. It’s a topic ….