ISC’13 Video Gallery
- IDC Presentation from ISC’13 on HPC Market Trends
- IDC’s Perspective on Big Data Outside of HPC
- Obsidian’s New QDR Longbow C400 IB Range Extender at ISC’13
- Demo: Adaptive Computing Workload Optimization Pack for Cluster Platforms
- Team Advisors Discuss the Importance of the Student Cluster Challenge
- Driving Industrial Innovation on the Road to Exascale
- How Xyratex and Cray Delivered the World’s Fastest and Most Efficient File System
- ISC’13 Lustre Breakfast Meeting with EOFS and OpenSFS
- DDN: Massively-Scalable Platforms and Solutions Engineered for the Big Data and Cloud Era
- Energy Efficient BrownDwarf Supercomputer Changes the Garme at ISC’13
- Scalable Informatics Benchmarks Record I/O Performance on STAC-M3
- Samsung SSD’s Power HPC at ISC’13
- Adaptive Computing CEO Looks Forward at ISC’13
- Lustre Community Comes Together at ISC’13
- Micron Looks Ahead to Hybrid Memory Cube at ISC’13
- Allinea Demos Unified DDT Debugger and MAP Profiler at ISC’13
- Brent Gorda on the State of the Lustre Community at ISC’13
- New Updates to Intel Xeon Phi
- FDR InfiniBand Gains Momentum on the TOP500
- Allinea Demos Unified DDT Debugger and MAP Profiler at ISC’13
- Intel Multiphysics Demo from ISC’13
- Space Weather Simulation on Intel Xeon Phi
- Welcome to the ISC’13 Student Cluster Challenge
- HPC Advisory Council Kicks off ISC’13 Student Cluster Challenge
- Transtec Powers Cloud HPC and Remote Visualization at ISC’13
- CoolIT Systems Takes Liquid-Cooled HPC to the Next Level at ISC’13
- Jim Jeffers on High Performance Programming for the Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor
- Asetek Showcases Innovative Hot-Water Cooling Tech at ISC’13
- Optimizing Remote Visualization Workloads
- How Virtualization is the Key that Will Unlock Cloud HPC
- Beacon Supercomputer pushing the Limits of Scale with TotalView
DDN User Group at ISC’13
- Massively-Scalable Platforms and Solutions Engineered for the Big Data and Cloud Era, James Coomer, DDN. Slides and Video.
- Advancing Research at London’s Global University, Dr. Daniel Hanlon, Research Data Storage Architect, University College of London. Slides and Video.
- Storage for Finnish HPC, CSC Finland: Pietari Hyvarinen (System Specialist) Video
- Large Scale Storage for Data Intensive Science at KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: Jos van Wezel (Storage Group Leader) Video
HPC Advisory Council European Workshop at ISC’13
- Qlustar: A full-fledged HPC/Storage Cluster OS, Roland Fehrenbacher from Q-Leap Networks. Video
- Accelerating Gene Center Munich Research with the AMD Seamicro 150000, Andreas Hauser, Gene Center Munich. Slides and Video
- MVAPICH2 and GPUDirect RDMA (Hari Subramoni and Sreeram Potluri, Ohio State University) Slides and Video
- RADIOSS Structural Analysis Solver Application Performance Optimizations. Slides and Video.
- HPC Advisory Council Activities (Gilad Shainer, HPC Advisory Council) Slides and Video
- Efficient and Cost-Effective HPC Interconnection Networks (Jesús Escudero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha and Jos’e Duato, Universitat Politècnica de València) Video
- Scalable MPI Futures (Richard Graham, MPI Forum) Slides and Video
- High-Performance Computing trends and forecast (Addison Snell, Intersect360 Research) Slides and Video
- C-DAC initiatives in HPC for Scientific & Engineering Research(Abhishek Das, C-DAC) Slides and Video
- Big Data Evolution (James Coomer, DDN) Slides
- Xyratex Update: ClusterStor (Torben Kling-Peterson, Xyratex) Slides and Video
- Accelerating Gene Center Munich Research with the AMD Seamicro 150000 System (AMD) Slides and Video
- Lustre Update and Roadmap (Brent Gorda, Intel) Slides and Video
- RDMA Accelerated Big Data applications (Eyal Gutkind, Mellanox Technologies) Slides and Video
- rCUDA: a ready-to-use remote GPU virtualization framework (Rafael Mayo Gual, Universitat Jaume) Slides and Video