Welcome to the LAD’15 Video Gallery (Lustre Developers and Administrators Conference)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
- Welcome, Aurélien Degrémont, Chairman
- Intel Commitment to Lustre, Jessica Popp, Intel, * Video
- Lustre Development Update, Christopher Morrone, OpenSFS/LLNL * Video
- Online data handling with Lustre at the CMS experiment, Lavinia Darlea, CERN * Video
- Lustre-HSM at CINES : integration and administration feedback, Hervé Toureille, Jérôme Chapelle, CINES * Video
- An HDD-based Lustre/HSM implementation Using a Scalable Object Store: Discussion and Performance Evaluation, Maria Perez Gutierrez, DataDirect Networks * Video
- Lustre 2.9 and Beyond, Andreas Dilger, Intel * Video
- Operational characteristics of a ZFS-backed Lustre filesystem, Daniel Kobras, science+computing * Video
- ZIL Support in Lustre, Alex Zhuravlev, Intel * Video
- Testing Lustre: The Basics, James Nunez, Intel and Justin Miller, Cray * Video
- Lustre Monitoring with OpenTSDB, Shuichi Ihara, DataDirect Networks * Video
- Lustre tools for ldiskfs investigation and lightweight I/O statistics, Roland Laifer, KIT * Video
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
- Lustre 2.8 feature overview: support of multiple file system modify RPCs in parallel, Grégoire Pichon, Atos, * Video
- LNet and LND Tuning explained, Chris Horn, Cray * Video
- Optimization of Lustre performance using a mix of fabric cards, Dmitry Eremin, Intel * Video
- Data life cycle monitoring using RobinHood at scale, Gabriele Paciucci, Bruno Faccini, Intel * Video
- Robinhood v3 and beyond, Thomas Leibovici, CEA * Video
- On the Role of Flash in Large-Scale Storage Systems, Nathan Rutman, Seagate * Video
- Lustre File Heat, Li Xi, DataDirect Networks * video not available
- Scalability Testing of DNE2 in Lustre 2.7, Steve Simms, Indiana University * Video
- Integrating Lustre with User Security Administration, Chris Gouge, Seagate * Video