Today, the European Adept Project wrapped up by releasing a set of open-source energy measurement tools. “This is a significant step forward in understanding where exactly in a parallel computing system energy is consumed,” says Dr Michèle Weiland, Project Coordinator for Adept. “Giving both hardware and software developers access to this type of information allows them to make informed choices about new implementations, without guesswork.”
Adept Project Explores HPC Energy Efficiency
“We have been working on developing a number of tools that enable users to quantify power and performance in both software and hardware, and then design a more efficient system. We can also utilize the tools to predict the performance of a piece of software on a system that may not be available or does not yet exist – the aim is to take the guesswork away from novel system design.”
Adept Project Looks at Using Software to Conserve Energy
In this special guest feature, Tom Wilkie from Scientific Computing World writes that software approaches to energy efficiency in HPC may yield unexpected improvements in the hardware of next-generation mobile phone networks. “Adept, a European research project addressing the energy-efficient use of parallel technologies, is expected to release a set of benchmarks that it has developed to characterize the energy consumption of programming models on different architectures.”