Video: Profiling Python Workloads with Intel VTune Amplifier

Paulius Velesko from Intel gave this talk at the ALCF Many-Core Developer Sessions. “This talk covers efficient profiling techniques that can help to dramatically improve the performance of code by identifying CPU and memory bottlenecks. Efficient profiling techniques can help dramatically improve the performance of code by identifying CPU and memory bottlenecks. We will demonstrate how to profile a Python application using Intel VTune Amplifier, a full-featured profiling tool.”

Application Profiling at the HPCAC High Performance Center

“To achieve good scalability performance on the HPC scientific applications typically involves good understanding of the workload though performing profile analysis, and comparing behaviors of using different hardware which pinpoint bottlenecks in different areas of the HPC cluster. In this session, a selection of HPC applications will be shown to demonstrate various methods of profiling and analysis to determine the bottleneck, and the effectiveness of the tuning to improve on the application performance from tests conducted at the HPC Advisory Council High Performance Center.”