The University of Hawaiʻi has been awarded a four-year contract valued at up to $75 million by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory to operate the Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC) via the Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawaii (ARL at UH). “The contract calls for UH to provide essential engineering, research and development capabilities in emerging computer technology and is intended to lower barriers to a modern High Performance Computing ecosystem and high-performance computing-backed solutions.”
Podcast: Supercomputing and Sensors at ARL
In this podcast from the Army Research Laboratory, lab director Dr. Phil Perconti and computer scientist Ross Adelman discuss future of supercomputing and sensors. “Imagine having a complete understanding of what’s inside a building without having to step inside. That’s the kind of thing that scientists and engineers at the U.S. Army CCDC Research Laboratory are working on using research into low-frequency imaging sensors and supercomputers.”
SGI Awarded $27M Systems Contract with ARL
Today, SGI announced that the United States Department of Defense (DoD) has selected SGI ICE XA for two of its Army Research Laboratory Defense Supercomputing Resource Center systems. The upgrades are part of a technology insertion, known as TI-16, for their High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP). “We’re excited to partner with SGI for our TI-16 DoD program, and have full confidence in the system’s ability to provide excellent performance,” said Dr. Raju Namburu, director of ARL DSRC. “Choosing the right HPC partners is crucial, as we rely on supercomputing and large-scale analytics and predictive sciences to provide the competitive edge we need to maintain our position as the nation’s premier laboratory for land forces.”
Students Learn HPC at ARL Supercomputing Summer Institute
The DOD High Performance Computing Program and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) hosted the Supercomputing Summer Institute July 18-29, 2016, at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The program introduced students to high-tech learning opportunities.
University of Maryland and U.S. Army Research Lab to Collaborate on HPC
Today the University of Maryland (UMD) and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) announced a strategic partnership to provide HPC resources for use in higher education and research communities. As a result of this synergistic partnership, students, professors, engineers and researchers will have unprecedented access to technologies that enable scientific discovery and innovation.
Job of the Week: Network Engineer for HPC at ARL
ARL in Aberdeen is seeking a Network Engineer for HPC in our Job of the Week.