Today ArrayFire announced the release of ArrayFire v3.6, the company’s open source library of parallel computing functions supporting CUDA, OpenCL, and CPU devices. This new version of ArrayFire includes several new features that improve the performance and usability for applications in machine learning, computer vision, signal processing, statistics, finance, and more. “We use ArrayFire to run the low level parallel computing layer of SDL Neural Machine Translation Products,” said William Tambellini, Senior Software Developer at SDL. “ArrayFire flexibility, robustness and dedicated support makes it a powerful tool to support the development of Deep Learning Applications.”
ArrayFire v3.4 Parallel Computing Library Speeds Machine Learning
Today ArrayFire released the latest version of their ArrayFire open source library of parallel computing functions supporting CUDA, OpenCL, and CPU devices. ArrayFire v3.4 improves features and performance for applications in machine learning, computer vision, signal processing, statistics, finance, and more.
ArrayFire Updates GPU Software Library
Today ArrayFire announced the release of Version 3.0 of their high-speed software library for GPU computing. The new version features major changes to ArrayFire’s visualization library, a new CPU backend, and dense linear algebra for OpenCL devices. It also includes improvements across the board for ArrayFire’s OpenCL backend.