Frank Ham from Cascade Technologies presented this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. “A spin-off of the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford University, Cascade Technologies grew out of a need to bridge between fundamental research from institutions like Stanford University and its application in industries. In a continual push to improve the operability and performance of combustion devices, high-fidelity simulation methods for turbulent combustion are emerging as critical elements in the design process. Multiphysics based methodologies can accurately predict mixing, study flame structure and stability, and even predict product and pollutant concentrations at design and off-design conditions.”
Liquid Cooling Doubles Compute Capacity at Cascade Technologies
Today CoolIT Systems announced it has enabled Cascade Technologies to increase their compute density by 2.5 times within their existing floor space, rack space, and air conditioning capacity by deploying liquid cooling. “Partnering with CoolIT Systems solved our key requirements of more compute density without having to expand our floor space or AC capacity,” said Frank Ham, CEO at Cascade Technologies. “The liquid cooled solution surpasses our efficiency goals, allows us to pack a lot of compute into a small environment, and is impressively quiet.”