In this TACC Podcast, host Jorge Salazar interviews Xian-He Sun, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Computer Scientists working in his group are bridging the file system gap with a cross-platform Hadoop reader called PortHadoop, short for portable Hadoop. “We tested our PortHadoop-R strategy on Chameleon. In fact, the speedup is 15 times faster,” said Xian-He Sun. “It’s quite amazing.”
Chameleon Testbed Blazes New Trails for Cloud HPC at TACC
“It’s often a challenge to test the scalability of system software components before a large deployment, particularly if you need low level hardware access”, said Dan Stanzione, Executive Director at TACC and a Co-PI on the Chameleon project. “Chameleon was designed for just these sort of cases – when your local test hardware is inadequate, and you are testing something that would be difficult to test in the commercial cloud – like replacing the available file system. Projects like Slash2 can use Chameleon to make tomorrow’s cloud systems better than today’s.”
TACC Puts Chameleon Cloud Testbed into Production
Today the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) announced that its new Chameleon testbed is in full production for researchers across the country. Designed to help investigate and develop the promising future of cloud-based science, the NSF-funded Chameleon is a configurable, large-scale environment for testing and demonstrate new concepts.