As HPC enters the exascale era, watchers of the TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers will look to see if the updated list, to be released this month at the ISC conference in Hamburg, will include systems that break the vaunted exaflops barrier. That said, Google Cloud yesterday unveiled what it called the […]
Google Cloud Says TPU-Powered Machine Learning Cluster Delivers 9 Exaflops Aggregate Power
Video: High Performance Computing on the Google Cloud Platform
“High performance computing is all about scale and speed. And when you’re backed by Google Cloud’s powerful and flexible infrastructure, you can solve problems faster, reduce queue times for large batch workloads, and relieve compute resource limitations. In this session, we’ll discuss why GCP is a great platform to run high-performance computing workloads. We’ll present best practices, architectural patterns, and how PSO can help your journey. We’ll conclude by demo’ing the deployment of an autoscaling batch system in GCP.”