NASA Goddard Boosts Discover Supercomputer to 5 Petaflops

CSRA Inc. has acquired another compute expansion under its High Performance Computing contract with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “This HPC expansion brings our compute capacity to over 50 petaFLOPS for all CSRA HPC contracts across the federal government,” said Sharon Hays, PhD., Director of CSRA’s HPC Center of Excellence. “This HPC expansion will help NASA researchers meet their mission objectives and bring a greater understanding of the earth’s climate system.”

CSRA Upgrades Biowulf Supercomputer at NIH

Today CSRA announced that the company has installed a second increment to the Biowulf supercomputing cluster at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Center for Information Technology. Biowulf is designed to process a large number of simultaneous computations that are typical in genomics, image processing, statistical analysis, and other biomedical research areas. “We are proud to report the next stage of supercomputing power for Biowulf at NIH,” said Vice President Kamal Narang, head of CSRA’s Federal Health Group. “CSRA’s world-renowned HPC experts partnered with NIH to make this advancement possible. Entering this new stage, NIH researchers have expanded computing power to discover new cures and save lives.”