oneAPI Data Parallel C++ (DPC++) features are included in the SYCL 2020 final specification, released today by The Khronos Group, an open consortium of industry-leading companies creating advanced interoperability standards. Since its launch in 2019, DPC++ has progressed significantly, building cross-architecture and cross-vendor support from the oneAPI Centers of Excellence and now successfully upstreaming features to […]
oneAPI DPC++ in SYCL 2020 Final Spec
February 9, 2021 by Doug Black
Filed Under: Data Center, Enterprise HPC, Google News Feed, HPC Software, News Tagged With: DPC++, Khronos Group, oneAPI, SYCL, Weekly Newsletter Articles, XPU
Brightskies Deploys Open Source RTM Application for Easy Optimization across Multiple Architectures
August 19, 2020 by staff

In this sponsored post on behalf of Intel, we see that in today’s high-performance computing applications, many different pieces of hardware can perform data-centric functions. With diverse accelerators entering the market, programming for multiple architectures has created significant development barriers for software developers.
Filed Under: Compute, Coprocessors, Enterprise HPC, Google News Feed, High Performance Analytics, HPC Hardware, HPC Software, News, Processors, Sponsored Post Tagged With: AI, CPU, DPC++, FPGA, hpc, hpc cluster, Intel, Intel DAN, oneAPI, RTM, Weekly featured Newsletter Articles, Weekly Featured Newsletter Post
New, Open DPC++ Extensions Complement SYCL and C++
June 30, 2020 by staff

In this guest article, our friends at Intel discuss how accelerated computing has diversified over the past several years given advances in CPU, GPU, FPGA, and AI technologies. This innovation drives the need for an open and cross-platform language that allows developers to realize the potential of new hardware, minimizes development cost and complexity, and maximizes reuse of their software investments.
Filed Under: Compute, Enterprise HPC, Google News Feed, HPC Software, Industry Perspectives, Industry Segments, News, Resources, Uncategorized Tagged With: C++, DPC++, FPGA, GPU, Intel DAN, nvidia, oneAPI, SYCL, Weekly featured Newsletter Articles, Weekly Featured Newsletter Post