July 5, 2022 – Researchers supported by the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Exascale Computing Project (ECP) have integrated the super-parameterization technique for modeling moist convection into the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM), which is a global climate modeling, simulation, and prediction project being developed by DOE. This method is designed to enable E3SM to improve […]
Exascale Computing Project’s Doug Kothe to Be Named Oak Ridge Associate Lab Director
Last month, we reported on management changes at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP), including the upcoming retirement of Jeff Nichols, associate director of the lab with oversight over the National Center for Computational Sciences, the site of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF). Now we’ve learned […]
Exascale Computing Project BoF Days May 10-12
May 9, 2022 — The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) 2022 Community Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Days will take place Tuesday, May 10–Thursday, May 12, with six to eight sessions per day conducted via Zoom. Registration and the agenda can be found here. The 2022 Community BOF Days is designed to provide an opportunity for the high-performance computing […]
Lawrence Berkeley’s Marques to Run Exascale Computing Project’s Training & Productivity Effort
April 26, 2022 — Osni Marques, a staff scientist in the Applied Math and Computational Research Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), has been tapped to lead the Training & Productivity (T&P) effort within the US Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project. He takes over for Ashley Barker of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Marques has been […]
ExaIO: Access and Manage Storage of Data Efficiently and at Scale on Exascale Systems
As the word exascale implies, the forthcoming generation exascale supercomputer systems will deliver 1018 flop/s of scalable computing capability. All that computing capability will be for naught if the storage hardware and I/O software stack cannot meet the storage needs of applications running at scale—leaving applications either to drown in data when attempting to write to storage or starve while waiting to read data from storage. Suren Byna, PI of the ExaIO project in the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) and computer staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, highlights the need for preparation to address the I/O needs of exascale supercomputers by noting that storage is typically the last subsystem available for testing on these systems.
Exascale Computing Project Releases New Version of Extreme-Scale HPC Scientific Software Stack
The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S) high-performance computing (HPC) software ecosystem—an ongoing broad collection of software capabilities continually developed to address emerging scientific needs for the US Department of Energy community—recently released version 22.02. E4S, which began in the fall of 2018, is aimed at accelerating the development, deployment, and use of HPC software, thereby […]
Exascale: Preparing PETSc/TAO Software for Scientific Applications
In this episode of the Let’s Talk Exascale podcast, produced by DOE’s Exascale Computing Project, the topic is PETSc—the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation. It’s a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. A team within ECP is preparing PETSc/TAO for exascale […]
Exascale Computing Project Issues Final Assessment on PathForward Program for U.S. Industry
The PathForward element of Exascale Computing Project, established to prepare the US industry for exascale system procurements and generally improve US competitiveness in the worldwide computing market. The report is available through the US Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Here’s a summary of the report: A competitive PathForward RFP (Request for Proposals) was released […]
Exascale Computing Project Issues Application Development Report
February 11, 2022 — The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has issued a milestone report summarizes the status of all 30 ECP Application Development (AD) subprojects at the end of FY20. The 222-page report can be obtained from the ECP website. In October and November of 2020, a comprehensive assessment of AD projects was conducted by […]