Today the European ExaNoDe project announced it has built a groundbreaking compute node prototype paving the way to exascale. “In the ExaNoDe project, we have built a complete prototype that integrates multiple core technologies: a 3D active interposer with chiplets, Arm cores with FPGA acceleration, a global address space, high-performance and productive programming environment, which will enable European technology to satisfy the requirements of exascale HPC.”
ExaNeSt Project Successfully Builds Prototype for Exascale
In this video, researchers describe the results from the ExaNeSt project. “The prototype is now successfully built, demonstrating energy efficiency in a High-Performance Computing (HPC) testbed: the energy consumed for solving a given problem on this new platform is 3 to 10 times lower than what traditional HPC processors of the same time generation consume for solving the same problem. The substantial prototype has been validated through the execution of full HPC applications from materials science, climate forecasting, computational fluid dynamics, astrophysics, neuroscience, and a database.”
Video: Introduction to the Euroserver for Green Computing
“EUROSERVER is an ambitious and holistic project aimed to arm Europe with leading technology for conquering the new markets of cloud computing. Data-centers form the central brains and store for the Information Society and are a key resource for innovation and leadership. The key challenge has recently moved from just delivering the required performance, to include consuming reduced energy and lowering cost of ownership. Together, these create an inflection point that provides a big opportunity for Europe, which holds a leading position in energy efficient computing and market prominent positions in embedded systems.”