The Exascale Atomistics for Accuracy, Length, and Time (EXAALT) project within the US Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has made a big step forward by delivering a five-fold performance advance in addressing its fusion energy materials simulations challenge problem. “Summit is at roughly 200 petaflops, so by the time we go to the exascale, we should have another factor of five. That starts to be a transformative kind of change in our ability to do the science on these machines.”
ECP Launches “Let’s Talk Exascale” Podcast
The DOE’s Exascale Computing Project has launched a new podcast channel. In this episode, Danny Perez from Los Alamos National Laboratory discusses The Exascale Atomistic Capability for Accuracy, Length, and Time (EXAALT) project. EXAALT specializes in molecular dynamics simulations of materials. “We hope you enjoy the podcast, and we welcome your ideas for future episodes.”