In this Let’s Talk Exascale podcast, researchers from the ECP describe progress at the ExaLearn project. ExaLearn is focused on ML and related activities to inform the requirements for these pending exascale machines. “ExaLearn’s algorithms and tools will be used by the ECP applications, other ECP co-design centers, and DOE experimental facilities and leadership-class computing facilities.”
ExaLearn: The ECP Co-Design Center for Machine Learning
In this video from the HPC User Forum, Frank Alexander from Brookhaven National Laboratory presents: ExaLearn – ECP Co-Design Center for Machine Learning. “It is increasingly clear that advances in learning technologies have profound societal implications and that continued U.S. economic leadership requires a focused effort, both to increase the performance of those technologies and to expand their applications. Linking exascale computing and learning technologies represents a timely opportunity to address those goals.”
ExaLearn Project to bring Machine Learning to Exascale
As supercomputers become ever more capable in their march toward exascale levels of performance, scientists can run increasingly detailed and accurate simulations to study problems ranging from cleaner combustion to the nature of the universe. Enter ExaLearn, a new machine learning project supported by DOE’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP), aims to develop new tools to help scientists overcome this challenge by applying machine learning to very large experimental datasets and simulations.
Video: An Update on the Exascale Computing Project
In this video, Mike Bernhardt sits down with Doug Kothe from the Exascale Computing Project for a quick update and a look ahead. “As we traverse the second half of the 2018 calendar year, the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) continues to execute confidently toward our mission of accelerating the delivery of a capable exascale computing ecosystem* to coincide with the nation’s first exascale platforms in the early 2020s.”