Exascale: Argonne Deploys Aurora for AI-Driven Protein Design

Harnessing AI and exascale supercomputing, a research team led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory has developed a computing framework to speed up the design of new proteins.

Breaking the ICE at Livermore: ICECap to Use Exascale Fusion Simulations for Digital Design

A multidisciplinary team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers is combining the power of exascale computing with AI, advanced workflows and GPU-acceleration with the intent to advance scientific innovation and revolutionize digital design.

How Will El Capitan Run? Software and Storage Solutions Powering NNSA’s First Exascale Supercomputer

El Capitan, the National Nuclear Security Administration’s first exascale supercomputer, will likely be the world’s most powerful computer when the system is deployed in Fall 2024. But answering some of science’s most challenging questions will go beyond simply having cutting-edge hardware. Discover how the software architecture and storage systems that will drive El Capitan’s performance […]

At ISC 2024: Andrew Whitmore on Motivair, Exascale Cooling and Innovations in Thermal Management

At ISC 2024 we caught up with Andrew Whitmore, Vice President of Sales at Motivair, whose cooling technology is at the heart of the first three U.S. exascale-class systems: Frontier, Aurora ….

Exascale Software and NASA’s ‘Nerve-Racking 7 Minutes’ with Mars Landers

NASA supercomputers have helped several Mars landers survive the nerve-racking seven minutes of terror. During this hair-raising interval, a lander enters the Martian atmosphere and needs to automatically execute many crucial actions in precise order….

Exascale’s New Software Frontier: Combustion-PELE

“Exascale’s New Frontier,” a project from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, explores the new applications and software technology for driving scientific discoveries in the exascale era. The scientific challenge Diesel and gas-turbine engines drive the world’s trains, planes, and ships, but the fossil fuels that power these engines produce much of the carbon emissions […]

Exascale’s New Software Frontier: E3SM-MMF

“Exascale’s New Frontier,” a project from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, explores the new applications and software technology for driving scientific discoveries in the exascale era. The Scientific Challenge Gauging the likely impact of a warming climate on global and regional water cycles poses one of the top challenges in climate change prediction. Scientists […]

Exascale’s New Software Frontier: LatticeQCD for Particle Physics

“Exascale’s New Frontier,” a project from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, explores the new applications and software technology for driving scientific discoveries in the exascale era. The Science Challenge One of the most challenging goals for researchers in the fields of nuclear and particle physics is to better understand the interactions between quarks and gluons — […]

@HPCpodcast: Views and Insights on the New TOP500 List

The big news on the Monday of each annual Supercomputing Conference is the release of the new TOP500 ranking of the world’s most powerful supercomputers. At this years SC23 here in Denver, the big news is that the  top 10 of this year’s list has more changes than any list in recent memory….

Aurora Exascale Install Update: Cautious Optimism

The twice-annual TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers is not universally loved, arguments persist whether the LINPACK benchmark is an optimal way to assess HPC system performance. But few would argue it serves a valuable purpose: for those installing leadership-class supercomputers, the TOP500 poses a challenge and a looming deadline that “concentrates the mind wonderfully.”