In this video from ISC 2017, Sunita Chandrasekaran and Michael Wolfe present an overview of OpenACC and a preview of upcoming GPU Hackathon events. “OpenACC is a user-driven directive-based performance-portable parallel programming model designed for scientists and engineers interested in porting their codes to a wide-variety of heterogeneous HPC hardware platforms and architectures with significantly less programming effort than required with a low-level model.”
OpenACC Takes Off at ISC17
Today the OpenACC standards group announced plans to showcase new advancements and increasing momentum for their programming model at ISC 2017 in Frankfurt. “OpenACC is a user-driven directive-based performance-portable parallel programming model designed for scientists and engineers interested in porting their codes to a wide-variety of heterogeneous HPC hardware platforms and architectures with significantly less programming effort than required with a low-level or explicit models.”
GPU Hackathon Coming to Spain End of May
Appentra and CESGA are organizing a GPU Hackathon in Spain. The event takes place May 29 – June 1 at the Galicia Supercomputing Center in Santiago de Compostela. The event is free, limited in capacity and in Spanish, with priority for national participants.
How GPU Hackathons Bring HPC to More Users
“GPUs potentially offer exceptionally high memory bandwidth and performance for a wide range of applications. The challenge in utilizing such accelerators has been the difficulty in programming them. Enter GPU Hackathons; Our mentors come from national laboratories, universities and vendors, and besides having extensive experience in programming GPUs, many of them develop the GPU-capable compilers and help define standards such as OpenACC and OpenMP.”
2017 GPU Hackathons Coming to U.S. and Europe
Today ORNL announced the full schedule of 2017 GPU Hackathons at multiple locations around the world. “The goal of each hackathon is for current or prospective user groups of large hybrid CPU-GPU systems to send teams of at least 3 developers along with either (1) a (potentially) scalable application that could benefit from GPU accelerators, or (2) an application running on accelerators that need optimization. There will be intensive mentoring during this 5-day hands-on workshop, with the goal that the teams leave with applications running on GPUs, or at least with a clear roadmap of how to get there.”
Register Now for GPU Mini-Hackathon at ORNL Nov. 1-3
Oak Ridge National Lab is hosting a 3-day GPU Mini-hackathon led by experts from the OLCF and Nvidia. The event takes place Nov. 1-3 in Knoxville, Tennessee. “General-purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) potentially offer exceptionally high memory bandwidth and performance for a wide range of applications. The challenge in utilizing such accelerators has been the difficulty in programming them. This event will introduce you to GPU programming techniques.”
Video: Accelerating Code at the GPU Hackathon in Delaware
In this video from the GPU Hackathon at the University of Delaware, attendees tune their code to accelerate their application performance. The 5-day intensive GPU programming Hackathon was held in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL). “Thanks to a partnership with NASA Langley Research Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Brookhaven National Laboratory and the UD College of Engineering, UD students had access to the world’s second largest supercomputer — the Titan — to help solve real-world problems.”
Call for Submissions: GPU Hackathon at the University of Delaware
The Call for Submissions is open for the upcoming GPU Programming Hackathon at University of Delaware (UDEL). The event takes place from May 2-6, 2016 at UDEL in Newark, Delaware.